Fiche cheval peace seeker

R7C4 du

platgulfstream park1670M20987claiming (fillies and mares - awt)7 partantsdépart à 18:49
Non-partants : 3 - 5
21nana fannyF53p3p4p4pp lopez/11 l
52radiant gemF57p6p8p(23)7pc landeros/16 l
3mo touringF54p2p(23)1p3pe gonzalez/1
14wicklow galF42p5p3p(23)3pe zayas/101:43
5velocissimaF58p9p9p(23)6pj morelos/1
37a ring thingF74p6p2p2p3pl reyes/14 l
46peace seekerF96p6p3p2pm vasquez/11/2 l

R5C7 du

platgulfstream park1800M83037allowance optional claiming 18007 partantsdépart à 20:10
Non-partants : 7
13lucky combinationF41p5p(23)3pj rosario/101:50
21texas shuffleF64p(23)2p3p9pl reyes/1
35holy foleyF4(23)6p2p5p1pe zayas/1
44maria's revengeF67p(23)5p4p7pd egan/1
52mint editionF7(23)4p5p8p3pe jaramillo/1
66peace seekerF96p3p2p(23)3pl panici/1
7me and my shadowF4(23)5p1p4p3pl saez/1
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